I build robust and secure server-side applications and APIs.
System design, Backend & Frontend Dev., Devops.
System design, Backend Dev., Devops.
System design, Backend & Frontend Dev., Devops.
Solo system design, Backend Dev., API Docs(oapi spec) & Blog CMS Dev.
(From 2023)
System redesign, Backend architecture & API Docs
(2024 - 2025)
Mobile Development
Tech explained, blog articles.
10K+ reads
Building scalable and useful applications
I am Peter Ebode, a backend developer with over 4 years of building experience. Overtime, I have developed a passion for building solution oriented applications, approaching problems in creative ways, and with a first principle mindset. I aim to build real world solutions into applications that provide refreshing and unparalleled user experience.
I hold a B.Sc. (Hons) in Cybersecurity, from the Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna. This background has provided me with a well-rounded perspective on security in software development. Additionally, I completed an internship in the Network and Communications Department at the Nigerian Defence Headquarters in Abuja, further enhancing my practical experience.
When I am not writing code or solving problems, I make out time to write explainer articles on my blog, where I try to help people understand how everyday technology we use, works. I am also a bit of a competitive gamer, completing the Clash Royale trophy road, a realtime competition amongst millions of players globally in a battle to the top. I am also a retired Clash of Clan Player after once maxxing out.
I strongly believe in a healthy work-life balance, making sure to take breaks and re-energize, to avoid burnouts.
Airforce Institute of Technology, Kaduna
2018 - 2023
Google Cloud
Building scalable and useful applications
Explore my portfolio, where adventure meets engineering. All of my projects are custom tailored solutions to very unique problems I have come across. They were all built out of interest to satisfy my curiosity, and to solve my type of problems in my free time, some of which I have shared with the world.
My live projects are currently being hosted on a Google Cloud Platform's Virtual Machine. They are served with Nginx(running as a reverse proxy), with each application running in a docker containter.
Freeread is a web app I created to address the frustration of too many online paywalls, especially to read articles. While I eventually had to cross so many hurdles and become a paying subscriber, I'm maximizing value by sharing access with friends on the platform. Currently, the app allows users to read Medium's member-only articles through my subscription.
A Telegram bot I built that provides real-time cryptocurrency prices, trending coin information, and customizable price alerting function for users to monitor their selected cryptocurrencies.
Verifier is a custom email authentication system I built out of curiosity. It generates and emails unique time-sensitive codes to users, displaying the requester's IP information in the HTML template. Users must enter the correct code within 15 minutes to authenticate or the code gets rejected. This project was inspired by an authentication flow I encountered in another application and tried to replicate.
Answer-poll-4-me is currently my most adventurous application. It automatically answers Telegram poll quizzes with perfect accuracy at superhuman speeds. I developed it to give me an edge over thousands of competitors in winning prizes in Telegram groups decided by speed and accuracy of answering polls, and it did.
LinkedIn Hugger is a Chrome extension I developed to help me streamline Linkedin profile data collection and aggregation, initially requested as a gig I completed and that a friend requested. It pulls user information including names, work history, skills, certifications, etc in one click, saving everything directly to Google Sheets for easy export as JSON or CSV or whatever file.
When I decided to make the code public, I switched from a messy and ever-changing DOM-query and manipulations extraction approach, to a reliable API service provider.
(From 2023)
Unifii represents my first true startup venture attempt. I went all-in, developing the entire stack from backend to frontend, writing API documentation, implementing auth systems, and finally creating a WordPress CMS with blog content alongside Adunni. Though a national tiered ISP showed interest, their terms weren't really right for what I envisioned. I'm continuing to develop and refine it independently until I can figure something.
Unifii offers to deliver fast, affordable, unlimited WiFi to university students, who are mostly heavy internet users with limited budgets. By connecting directly to national ISPs and utilizing unlicensed radio spectrum, we reduce costs significantly. This allows us to offer competitive pricing while maintaining profitability and becoming an essential service in our users' daily lives.
Blockchain-ads is a web3 advertising platform connecting crypto companies with broader internet audiences via their platform. During my time there, I helped redesign their backend architecture and develop innovative solutions to their unique technical challenges.
USSDbase was my first product to reach thousands of users. Built with a team, it aggregated all USSD codes into a single offline-accessible app. We hit 1K+ downloads in under a month on Google Play before development paused.
Building scalable and useful applications